How to Stop Drinking on the Weekend Weekends often symbolize relaxation and socializing, but for many people, they also bring the temptation of excessive drinking. While the occasional drink can be enjoyable, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various health problems and hurt your overall health. Does drinking every weekend make you an alcoholic? you're not alone, many people drink every weekend. In this blog post, we'll explore seven effective strategies to help you curb your weekend drinking habits and live a healthy lifestyle. 1. Set clear goals: The first step to cutting back on weekend drinking is to set clear and achievable goals. Decide how many drinks you are comfortable having over the weekend and stick to that limit. 2. Find Alternative Activities: Instead of focusing your weekend entirely on drinking, find alternative activities that don't revolve around alcohol. Engage in hobbies, exercise or socialize in an alcohol-free environment. 3. Surround yourself...