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Showing posts from June, 2024

Find Support and Heal: Group Therapy for Addiction in Orlando, FL

Find Support and Heal: Group Therapy for Addiction in Orlando, FL Struggling with addiction can feel isolating, but you don't have to go through it alone. Group therapy offers a powerful path to recovery in Orlando, FL. According to studies, nearly 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. battle mental illness , including addiction. Yet, many don't receive the help they need. At Orlando Treatment Solutions, we bridge that gap by integrating group therapy into our treatment plans. What is Group Therapy for Addiction? Group therapy provides a safe space for individuals struggling with addiction to connect with others on a similar journey. Led by a trained therapist , these sessions offer: Shared experiences: Group members can provide support and encouragement to one another, fostering a sense of understanding and belonging. Improved communication skills: Group therapy allows you to practice expressing yourself openly and honestly in a supportive environment. Development of coping mechanisms: